Package installation and ShinyApp
Marco Pittarello and Davide Barberis
ResNatSeed can be installed in R environment by running the following code:
install_github("MarcoPittarello/ResNatSeed",build_vignettes = TRUE)
Otherwise, ResNatSeed is available as a ShinyApp version in these ways:
at the following web address (totally independent from the R environment):
in R studio:
- Internet connection needed
Run the following code
``` install.packages('shiny') library(shiny) runGitHub('ResNatSeed_ShinyApp','MarcoPittarello') ```
Internet connection not needed
The internet connection is not needed except for the first two steps, which however are required only once to download locally the app.
- 1 - go here
- 2 - click on ‘CODE’ (green button) and then ‘DOWNLOAD ZIP’ file, named ‘ResNatSeed_ShinyApp-master’
- 3 - unzip the downloaded file (from now on, it will no longer be necessary to have an internet connection)
- 4 - open the unzipped folder and click on ‘app.R’, R studio will open
- 5 – click ‘Run App’ on the right-upper corner of source panel and enjoy the App!!